John Blosse /?output=FEED&user_id=53402&about=1&r=4 en John Blosse Wed, 05 Feb 2014 14:26:30 +0000 EFT Article - Is The Counselling Chair You Sit On Anchoring Your Negative Feelings? <p>This interesting article comes from EFT and EMO practitioner <em><strong>John Blosse</strong></em>. Here he asks 'Is The Counselling Chair You Sit On Anchoring Your Negative Feelings?'</p> <p><strong><em>Read on for the full article...</em></strong></p> Thu, 02 May 2013 15:55:08 +0100 Energists, Stop The Ego Trip <p><strong>EMO and EFT Master Practitioner John Blosse from Brighton, UK writes</strong>: I'm sometimes asked what I can heal people of, or what my success rate is. My answer to this is 'I don't heal anyone and the success rate is not mine. It doesn't and never will belong to me'. What's more, if someone tells you that they can heal your issue then they are coming from ego and your potential for healing will be limited.</p> Wed, 27 Feb 2013 12:12:04 +0000 EFT Case Story: Nina Finds Her Voice <p>EFT Master Practitioner John Blosse from Brighton has written a case story that highlights the immediacy of EFT, showing how with a simple round of tapping we can overcome fundamental issues in a person's life.</p> <p>In this case story it is a fear of speaking out and being assertive.</p> <p><em><strong>Read on for the case story...</strong></em></p>